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A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.

Monday 30 June 2014

Styling my hair!!

I consider myself lucky as from the day I was born there was a persona hair stylist for me!!  He kept that one right with him and no one dare to overrule him.

So be it Mundan or getting the first cut all was his call and I as a trusted ……… given my head out to him

It was  a Friday evening when dad came back from office are we both went to a mall for ice cream and we got to see the Loeral saloon.. he looked at me and asked if I am ready .. and then the fun starts

Some of the hair style selected for future sessions

Piggyback Braid

Book Worm Beauty

Bobbed Beauty

Bangs and Bands

Simple and Sweet

Proper Pony